类别: 盈利


The Impact of Uniform Guidance Revisions on Organizations That Receive Federal Funding

4月4日, the Biden Administration announced the most significant revisions to the Uniform Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance (Section 2 C.F.R.自10年前立法通过以来,这一数字已达到200美元. The primary goals of the revisions are to streamline compliance requirements, remove overly burdensome aspects of the application and grants administration process, 澄清模糊和过于复杂的语言, and improve access to funding for underrepresented communities and groups including tribal nations. 联邦政府每年支付1美元.2万亿… 阅读更多›


独立承包商vs. 员工状态:劳工部发布新的最终规则

美国.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) test for determining whether a worker should be classified as an independent contractor or an employee for purposes of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has been revised several times over the past decade. 现在, the DOL is implementing a new final rule rescinding the employer-friendly test that was developed under the Trump administration. 这项对员工更友好的新规定将于2024年3月11日生效. 新最终规则的作用尽管DOL的最终… 阅读更多›



Not-for-profit organizations in the District of Columbia (DC) are required to submit Form FR-164 to the Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) to request tax-exempt status in DC. 以前, 这是一次性的备案要求, 但由于2019年的变化, DC 非营利性组织 must renew their DC tax-exempt status every five years. OTR将发出两份通知, one 180 days before the expiration of an organization’s exemption certificate and another 30 days before expiration.  非营利组织更新… 阅读更多›


The Corporate Transparency Act and Beneficial Ownership Information Reports: Do Tax-Exempt Organizations Need to File?

葡京会手机app下载:2024年3月1日,美国政府将正式启动.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama ruled that the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) was unconstitutional. 作为对这项裁决的回应, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has since indicated that it will comply with the ruling for as long as it remains in effect, 而且这项裁决只适用于本案的原告. 点击这里阅读更多. The beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting rules of the Corporate… 阅读更多›


Judy Barnhard 斯蒂芬妮·安德森 to Present on Investment Policy Development at 2023 GWS注册会计师 Nonprofit Symposium

朱迪斯·P. Barnhard, 注册会计师, CFP®, CDFA®, 执行副总裁兼专业服务总监, 老葡京手机app的财富管理和财务规划, 斯蒂芬妮·安德森, 非洲金融共同体, CFP®, CDFA®, 老葡京手机app离婚财务规划和财富管理经理, are scheduled to present on December 12 at the 2023 Greater Washington Society of 注册会计师s Nonprofit Symposium. 他们的会话, entitled Investing for Impact: A Guide to Not-for-Profit Investment Policies, 安排在上午8点到8点50分, 将讨论一个… 阅读更多›


高级经理Joseph J. Barreca加入老葡京手机app,带来高水平的非营利税务专业知识

委员,葡京会手机app下载 & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app)自豪地欢迎约瑟夫J. Barreca, a senior manager with more than 20 years of expertise in not-for-profit taxation. Joe has dedicated his career to serving as a trusted advisor to different types of tax-exempt groups including public charities, 经营性和非经营性非公募基金会, 商业联盟, 社会福利机构, 还有社交和娱乐俱乐部. His wide-ranging experience includes the planning and preparation of tax returns including federal Forms 990, 990-PF, 990-T, 还有州退税……. 阅读更多›


老葡京手机app to Sponsor 2023 Greater Washington Society of 注册会计师s Nonprofit Symposium

委员,葡京会手机app下载 & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app) is proud to serve as a bronze sponsor at the 2023 Greater Washington Society of 注册会计师s Nonprofit Symposium, which will combine web-based education and an in-person component from October 3 through December 12. 老葡京手机app has sponsored, presented and exhibited at the symposium for many years. Members of the firm’s not-for-profit professional services team look forward to participating in this year’s symposium and attending in-person sessions at the Washington DC Convention Center on Tuesday, 12月12日…. 阅读更多›



Many job seekers and others assume that 非营利性组织 offer fewer or less-generous fringe benefits to employees than for-profit companies. 但这并不一定正确. 根据《老葡京手机app》最近的一项调查, 87%的非营利性雇主提供健康保险计划. 但正如凯撒家庭基金会发现的那样, only 49% of private for-profit companies with three to nine workers offer health insurance coverage to workers. Larger for-profit companies generally do offer health insurance and other benefits. So… 阅读更多›



The not-for-profit sector is extremely competitive and even a relatively small shift of fortunes can threaten an organization’s future. 当发生诸如大额捐赠人去世或捐赠金损失等事件时, organizations turn to their leaders to minimize the damage and restore stability. 但往往没有适当的计划来应对风险. 精明的非营利组织领导人不会坐等风暴来临. By making a risk analysis and confronting the possibilities ahead of time, they… 阅读更多›


Cyber Liability Case Study: How a Business Nearly Fell Prey to a Phishing Attack

委员,葡京会手机app下载 and 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app) works closely with clients to protect their financial and data operations from phishing attacks and criminals seeking access to corporate networks to steal or hold private, 客户相关信息以获取赎金. Members of 老葡京手机app’s outsourced accounting and advisory team recently prevented a business from falling prey to a phishing attack and potentially losing a considerable sum of money. The client had reached out to a vendor to obtain ACH information for sending a payment electronically. 当…… 阅读更多›